very different!
the fast tempo really sets this one apart. very creative. sounds like a video game gone trance.
some of the patches i don't like too much but that's just my pickiness.
9/10 and 4/5. but really, very cool.
very different!
the fast tempo really sets this one apart. very creative. sounds like a video game gone trance.
some of the patches i don't like too much but that's just my pickiness.
9/10 and 4/5. but really, very cool.
It's an interesting take on it...
Too simple in my opinion.
Simple is good, but too simple is not... this is just an interesting variaton on the notes from the theme.
Of course I have my own chocobo remix which has virtually all the notes from the real song with changed instruments, added background stuff and a drum track - so i'm not saying mines more complex or was harder to make - but still i don't think this deserves number 2 on the top weekly. Sorry.
On it's own it's a competent background loop that deserves credit for simply being the chocobo theme. Oh, and you (if you did it by ear and all) did a good job of getting the notes right (i used a MIDI for reference in getting the right notes.) And the kick sounds cool.
You use fruityloops right? Just a guess.
belongs in house...
I would really not classify this as a trance, in my personal opinion. The bit of a lower score has to do with that, and also that it's a fairly simple loop, like *part* of a song/loop and not really the whole thing. As an intro to like.. a house song.. it does just fine. But trance, no... just personal opinion.
very pro-sounding. love.
haha, Raz. Guess you beat me to this one eh? Anyhow, I don't share Raza'a sentiment of too much going on (since my songs are typically VERY busy) but I won't go so far as to say he's totally wrong in thinking so. Despite that, the flowing percussion really sets the tone here.
it makes me want to make an ambient song right now. lol
love it.
I think this is a very cool loop... I love the background noises. My only suggestion would be to make this loop more progressive, but even so I think you did a very good job with this one. I can just see someone using this in their flash. You obviously are skilled with whatever music program you use. ;)
(I use FL3.56 btw =p)
again, another bang-up job!
For whoever commented that this is a 're-recorded version of the Sonic game for Sega' then they were right.. HOWEVER.... do you know how much work it is listening to a song and re-arranging it on a computer by ear?
The whole point is that it is the Flying Battery song from sonic and knuckles but with added dance/trance elements and percussion and such, with trancey instruments.
You wouldn't be wrong to give it a low originality score but giving X9 ALL zeroes was absolutely inappropriate.
A very interesting take on the Pokemon theme..
I won't beat around the bush - It sounds VERY inspired by the Pokemon boss theme. Which is not a bad thing - the Pokemon boss battle theme was quite suitable. It just sounds like you took the format and used different melodies.
The instruments sounded a little rough, if you're using FruityLoops I would suggest using some effects (FX) but obviously this is well-structured and written, deserving of a 4/5 and 9/10.
That's being completely honest without saying, "oh this music is great i give it a 10 for everything because it sounds like gretest boss bttle music evr!!!" =)
well, thnx. I took a melody from my head, I was inspired by Final Fantasy battles also one particular Pokemon battle song (orchestrated). The format just came along as I went.
love the pads.
the pad melody is great. although one complaint - the perc is just a tad distracting but it still fits in well.
you always make that stuff arabian sounding =p
oh my God.
I can hear everybody saying to me, "suck up!"
But seriously, it sounds totally authentic. It's awesome. You obviously study Sega-style 16-bit music very often. Long live sonic ;)